Hello, I am glad you found my website. I want to tell you a little bit about me and the motivating factors that have prepared me to help my patients overcome pain and regain function.
I was interested in healing since I was a little girl. I told my dad I wanted to become a doctor when I was only six years old. This desire remained strong throughout my adolescent life, and when it was time, I enrolled in Pre-Med at college. However, I soon realized that I wanted to take a more natural approach to heal the body. Once again, I shared this desire with my dad, who listened and guided me to appreciate my strengths and make a different choice. I switched my major to Physical Therapy, and in 1990, graduated from the University of Missouri with a Bachelor of Health Science in Physical Therapy.
My Practice’s Early Years
I started my career using the traditional physical therapy protocols I had learned in college. I worked in several hospitals in various capacities, including acute care, outpatient care, cardiac rehabilitation, and oncology. I also worked as an independent contractor and in private practice, allowing me to see how other physical therapists’ treatment plans worked and their patients’ outcomes.
My Education and Experience
While working with a team of physical therapists at the University of Missouri Hospital and Clinics trained in Manual Therapy, someone mentioned Sharon Wieselfish-Giammatteo, Ph.D., PT. Sharon founded the School of Integrative Manual Therapy, and I started learning about her techniques and decided to attend one of her seminars. I also participated in a conference at Michigan State University entitled, “Principles of Manual Medicine,” taught by Philip Greenman, DO. I immediately recognized that this information was the missing link and that Hands-on Physical Therapy was the answer I had been seeking.
From that day onward, I started learning as much as I could about Manual Therapies and the body’s natural ability to self-heal. I became proficient in Strain Counter-strain Therapy and Micro-current Point Stimulation (MPS). I also decided to specialize in Integrative Manual Therapy, and as I byproduct of these studies, I found Pilates and received a comprehensive certification in this exercise methodology.
In 2008 I met a local practitioner and teacher of Integrative manual Therapy, Jim Sullivan of Manual Therapy of Asheville (MTA). He has had a significant impact on my learning and growth in Manual Therapies. My studies at MTA eventually led me to join Jim’s practice, where I’ve work on a part-time basis since 2010.
My Passion
I am passionate about the human body’s complexity. I believe that perfect health is our birthright and the foundation of our body’s blueprint. I have learned that pain and disease are caused by infection, inflammation, or trauma and are the body’s ways of alerting us that something needs our attention. My mission is to utilize the non-invasive manual therapies I have learned to help the body heal itself. Through my trained and experienced hands and with the assistance of these integrative methods, I help facilitate the healing flow that resides within my patients’ bodies.
My Family
On a personal level, I am married to my best friend and partner, Erich. We have three beautiful grown-up children, Ethan, Luke, and Erica. Joey is our dog, a tall and lanky hound who my patients love and spoil with treats. We also have three very cute grand-dogs. I have a twin sister, Mary, and ten other brothers and sisters. My family, my healing practice, and my faith are the cornerstones of my life.