As a holistic healer, Margaret believes her role is to use specific techniques to remove obstacles and reengage the body’s healing ability. Margaret treats her patients as the unique individuals they are. She uses the appropriate therapy for the condition or dysfunction and also for the patient. These healing techniques work on all body systems using gentle touch to invite the release of blockages layer by layer through different postures and movement.
Among the different techniques Margaret uses with her patients are the following:
Integrative Manual Therapy (IMT)

Integrative Manual Therapy (IMT) is a non-invasive form of therapy that treats the body as a whole. The fundamental role of IMT is to locate the causes of dysfunction and reopen the body’s natural lines of communication to allow the body’s healing energies to flow unencumbered. Once this inherent flow is reestablished, the body’s innate healing abilities return it to optimum health and function.
Craniosacral Therapy
Craniosacral Therapy can alleviate various dysfunctions, from chronic pain and sports injuries to stroke and neurological impairment. Craniosacral Therapy is a gentle hands-on technique that works with the flow of cerebrospinal fluid between the head and the base of the spine to restore function and release blockages and trauma.
Muscle Energy Technique
Muscle Energy Technique is used to realign biomechanics from the sacrum and pelvis through the cervical spine and extremities. It is a gentle manual therapy that mobilizes joints and relaxes muscles using subtle muscle contractions to relax hypercontracted tissue and mobilize joints.
Myofascial Release
Trauma, inflammatory responses, and surgical procedures create restrictions on Myofascial connective tissues. These restrictions cause pain and impaired movement and, in most cases, don’t show up in most of the standard tests such as x-rays, myelograms, CAT scans, etc. Myofascial Release is a hands-on technique that involves applying gentle sustained pressure to an identified connective tissue restriction to eliminate pain and restore motion.
Strain Counterstrain

Strain counterstrain is a therapeutic technique that uses body positions to resolve dysfunction. It is a gentle, non-invasive, and powerful manual therapy that frees the body from restrictions that impede proper functioning and movement.
Neural Tissue Tension Technique
Neural Tissue Tension Technique can reduce scar tissue inside and outside of nerve improving nerve function and easing acute and chronic pain. It is a therapy that gently positions the nerves using Freyetts’ laws of Biomechanics to relieve this tension and its associated symptoms. Nerves can stiffen and shrink. When they do, they interfere with their ability to conduct nerve impulses and create strains in the body, which result in pain and dysfunction.
Kinesio Taping
The Kinesio Taping is a rehabilitative taping technique designed to facilitate the body’s natural healing process. It provides support and stability to muscles and joints without restricting the body’s range of motion. It also provides extended soft tissue manipulation to prolong the benefits of the manual therapy used during a session.
Cold Laser

Cold Laser Therapy is a treatment that uses specific wavelengths of light applied directly to the area to stimulate healing. The body absorbs the light. The red and near-infrared light cause a reaction, and the damaged cells respond with a physiological reaction that promotes regeneration.
Although people feel the laser device touching the skin, the procedure is painless and noninvasive. There will be no sound and no vibration or heat. Each treatment typically takes only a few minutes.
It is used with patients who are experiencing pain, chronic or acute. It is also used to reduce inflammation and restore function.
Ultrasound Therapy
Ultrasound therapy uses sound waves to treat musculoskeletal problems like inflammation from injuries. Usually, Ultrasound Therapy works on a small surface area for five to 10 minutes. A gel applied to the skin or to the ultrasound device helps the sound waves evenly penetrate the skin. This form of therapy is used frequently in the presence of chronic pain. It is non-invasive and very gentle.
Visceral Manipulation/Mobilization Therapy
Visceral Manipulation/Mobilization Therapy is a hands-on treatment technique used to mobilize the body’s organs in the presence of disfunction. When everything in the body is working correctly, all organs move and slide over each other smoothly. Unfortunately, strain, overuse, or poor posture can cause organs to get a little “sticky,” which may lead to internal tissues binding together. This “stickiness” can create areas of tension that lead to discomfort and decreased function.
Visceral Mobilization elicits a neurological response to a specific area to get the tissue to relax. This therapy can achieve deeper and more lasting changes in the body and a return to optimal function and health.
Lymphatic Drainage
Lymphatic drainage is a treatment technique that uses light pressure and gentle positional release to increase lymph flow and reduce toxins in the body. The lymph system is part of the body’s immune system and helps fight infection. Lymph itself is a clear, slightly yellow fluid that transports nutrients and oxygen to cells. It collects toxins on the way and flushes them out through the lymph nodes. Sometimes this system gets clogged up, causing dysfunction. Lymphatic Drainage techniques assist the system to get rid of toxins and return to proper flow.
Microcurrent Point Stimulation (AKA Dolphin)

Microcurrent Point Stimulation is similar to acupuncture in that it stimulates the body energetic meridians and acupuncture points to reduce pain and regain function. Acupuncture uses thin needles to treat acupuncture points, while Microcurrent Point Stimulation uses a mechanical device the emits very low voltage electrical stimulation to these points. Microcurrent Point Stimulation is very effective in reducing chronic and severe pain.
Learn more about Microcurrent Point Stimulation therapy >>

Pilates is a movement system that builds and reinforces core stabilization and peripheral strength in the musculoskeletal system. It recruits muscles to function in well balanced patterns of strength and length.
The use of Pilates in therapy allows the functional recruitment of the muscles and restoration of healthy movement patterns that will make for lasting vitality in the body.